Years of existence
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Regular Members
Total Membership

KCO wants your Collaboration

How you’re changing refugees lives?

Ways of involvement

Transforming refugee lives involves a multifaceted approach, encompassing donations, hands-on support, shelter hosting, financial aid, and volunteerism. By combining these elements, we create a holistic and compassionate network that empowers refugees, offering them essential resources and a sense of community as they navigate through challenging circumstances.


To get involved, contact KCO leadership by calling, send funds to tresurygmail.com, or connect with us via WhatsApp. Your participation is crucial in supporting our community initiatives. 

KCO Taskforces - Year 2023

Constitutional Review

Basil Mwawasi, leading a task force, was tasked with revising and reviewing contentious clauses, aligning them with contemporary perspectives. This process aimed to enhance clarity and relevance, addressing the multifaceted concerns of the present generation with precision and effectiveness.

KCO Women Forum

The "Kenyan Community in Ontario Women's Forum" (KCOWF) plays a vital role within KCO, with a comprehensive mandate. It actively promotes cultural awareness and is committed to raising funds to address school-related needs among KCO members, fostering a supportive and engaged community environment.

Youth Forum

In response to recent incidents, especially affecting youth, particularly newcomers, KCO has established a dedicated task force comprising select Aunties and Uncles. This task force is actively engaged in thoughtful deliberations to organize and tailor two distinct youth groups catering to the age categories of 14-18 and 19-30 years old.

Immigration and Refugees

KCO exhibits a profound commitment to addressing Toronto's immigration and refugee challenges, particularly the pressing housing crisis. With a focus on both short-term relief and long-term solutions, KCO collaborates with Dominion Uganda Church to actively engage in initiatives aimed at alleviating these issues and fostering positive change within the community.

Events and Active Living

Under the leadership of Janet Khevalis, social gatherings continue to thrive as a fundamental element in African culture. Recognizing this, KCO boasts a dedicated team that diligently assembles a robust year-round calendar of events, ensuring a vibrant tapestry of cultural celebrations and activities that enrich and strengthen community bonds.

Benovelent / Funeral

Reverend Dr. Florence Juma spearheaded the Benovelent/Funeral Services, creating a structured and compassionate approach to handling death within the community. Through her leadership, the organization patterns that would provide solace and support to individuals during times of loss, fostering a sense of community and understanding to navigate the complexities of grief with care and dignity.

Featured Moments

Vibrant KCO

2022 Jamhuri Day Celebration

Interim committee with...


KCO event gathering at Mississauga Ontario - Canada

Ready to Speech madam

last year event ready moments